Thursday, 17 December 2020

LIC Charter of Demands - Pay & Allowances

WAGE INCREASE: There should be a wage increase of 40% across the board on the wage bill as on August 1, 2017. 


01.Sweepers, Cleaners and Gardeners shall be in Grade A 

02. Head Peons, Sepoys, Hamals, Watchmen, Caretakers, Liftmen and such other employees shall be in Grade B 

03. Drivers shall be in Grade C 

04.Record Clerks shall be in Grade D 

05.Assistants, Telephone Operators, Store Keepers, Typists, Receiving and Paying Cashiers, Micro Process Operators, Building Supervisors / Building Inspectors and such other employees shall be in Grade E 

06. Higher Grade Assistants, HGA (Programmers), HGA(Finance), Actuarial Assistants, Internal Audit Assistants, Stenographers, Librarians, Language Assistants, Projectionists and such other employees shall be in Grade F 


01.Engineering staff working as helpers etc., shall be placed in Grade B 

02.Masons, Carpenters, Plumbers, Gas Mestrys, Wiremen, Electricians, Pump mechanics, Ferro Printers and such other employees shall be in Grade D 

03.AC Plant Operators, Engineering Assistants Grade III, Engineering Draftsmen Grade III, Architectural Assistants Grade III and such other employees shall be in Grade E 

04.Engineering Assistants Grade II, Engineering Draftsmen Grade II, Architectural Assistants Grade II and such other employees shall be in Grade F 


Basic Pay is to be formulated with merger of Dearness Allowance at consumer price index as at quarter ending June 2017 and a loading commensurate with the demand for wage hike. 


Fitment shall be on stage-to-stage basis. 


The basic pay structure should be a continuous one. On reaching the maximum of the particular scale of Pay, the employee’s basic pay would automatically go to the next higher promotional scale of pay without any change in the nomenclature of post held. 

However, this shall not affect the promotional vacancies that arise through normal promotional avenues. For all class IV employees the next scale of pay shall be the scale applicable to Record Clerks. For Record Clerks, the next scale of pay shall be the scale applicable to Assistants. Similarly, for the employees in Assistant scale the next scale of pay shall be the scale applicable to HGA. 

For employees in HGA cadre, the next scale of pay shall be the scale applicable to AAOs. 


Dearness Allowance shall be payable on the basis of 100% neutralization for every full four points rise or fall in All India Consumer Price Index for industrial workers [base 1960=100). 

The revision shall be made quarterly as is being done currently.

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